vendredi 12 juin 2020

Google Cloud Tweak Ingress and Healthcheck

Now  you have everything is on the GKE cluster, differents namespaces, deployments, products and devs.

As always locally it works on the machine but once deployed you get the terrible HTTP/502 the new Blue Screen of Death.

Why ?
Then you troubleshoot ?
    You got 502 after a 30s timeout ?
    You log to the logs /index.html and get HTTP/404 !

What's wrong ? You look to ingress configuration Nginx container, ... then you realize each products have their specificites some have no /index.html, just a response to /, other need a longer timeout to upload or process stuff and so on.

Cloud brings another layer of complexity, for this reason sometimes you need to tweak backend-services and health-checks.

By default backend-services (loadbalancer) have a 30s timeout default.
You can list them and find you backend-services rules
gcloud compute backend-services list

Sometimes it's easier from the console to get the loadbalancer then the backend service you need.
Then you can check with describe
gcloud compute backend-services describe k8s-be-30080--9747qarggg396bf0 --global

Then you can update your timeout or any other settings
gcloud compute backend-services update k8s-be-30080--9747qarggg396bf0 --global --timeout=600

Take a coffee to give time to apply and Bingo your HTTP/502 disappear.
Well this one.

You can also tweak healthcheck
From the console find the healthcheck you need.
You can also list them 
gcloud compute health-checks list --global

Then describe to control
gcloud compute health-checks describe k8s-be-30569--9747df6bftswwq5c396bf0

Update the healthcheck to your needs
gcloud compute health-checks update http k8s-be-30569--9747df6bftswwq5c396bf0 --request-path=/

Now you managed a second HTTP/502 error.
What's next ?

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