mercredi 27 octobre 2021

Use GCP and gsutil to backup your archive files

I have the case of an old server, still running but already past the end of life. I needed to archive vzdump backups and virtual machine images just in case.

OS is too old to install GCP tools like gcloud and gsutil, but there is curl. So I can archive my files.

From my laptop, I can get my access token once the login is confirmed.

gcloud auth application-default login

gcloud auth application-default print-access-token

You received in response the access token to use with curl to upload the file to mybucket in Google Object Storage.

curl -v --upload-file vzdump-qemu-2210-2020_09_27-14_31_04.vma.gz -H "Authorization: Bearer access-token"

Replace access-token and mybucket with your values. 

This way, I can externalize my backups and even try to provision some old machines as VM. Stay tuned.

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